About Us

The Wolvercote Tree Group’s mission is to preserve, protect and plant trees in and around Wolvercote. Please visit our Heritage page to learn more about the origins of the Group.


Supermarkets and shops show little evidence of the UK’s 2000-plus apple varieties. With this in mind, we created a Community Orchard, open to all, where some of these forgotten, local varieties could be preserved and appreciated. We keep alive the ancient tradition of Wassailing the fruit trees early in the New Year, and our Annual Apple Day celebrates all things apple-related with traditional pastimes like apple bobbing for all the family.


Trees are a vital part of our natural world. They give us the oxygen that keeps us alive and store carbon, preventing it from destroying our atmosphere and contributing to global warming. They green our urban landscapes, creating a feeling of wellbeing. WTG actively supports the  The Woodland Trust and Friends of the Earth calls to double tree cover which will mitigate against climate change. Go to Tree Planting to find our about our work.


Although required to support a growing population, housing development land clearance and infrastructure projects threaten our green environment. By covering large areas with semi- or impermeable hard surfaces, such works increase flood risk. We work with the Wolvercote Neighbourhood Forum, Wolvercote Commoners Committee and local residents, to monitor planning applications and building sites to ensure that tree and shrub clearance is kept to an absolute minimum, and that mitigation measures are put in place.

We are blessed to live in such close proximity to areas of special scientific interest, large open spaces and ancient woodland. Unfortunately, not everyone respects our environment. With the Wolvercote Commoners Committee, every year we take part in the annual City-wide OxClean Spring Clean to ensure that our beautiful area is a welcoming and pleasant place for people to live and visit. Details of our annual LitterPick are advertised in the News.

If, like us, you feel that trees have a vital role in our local community and the global environment, join us!