Orchard Flowering Herbaceous Plants

As you may know, a group of members have been surveying the wildlife of the orchard over the last two years starting with a wildflower survey in 2021 and 2022. We now have a comprehensive list of over 100 flowering herbaceous plants that flower through the different seasons in the orchard and our aim by the end of this year is to create an orchard wildlife page on the website with photos to aid identification.
We have found that the drought last year had a considerable effect on some of the plants which are not so tolerant of very dry periods so it would be good to see which ones reappear this year.
This is where you could help! Most of us have a wild flower book so if you are interested in contributing to our survey you can download the plant list here, take it on your visit to the orchard with your ID book and then tick the different species that you find in flower. If you keep the list through the year you can hand it in or email it to Jo Malden (orchard@wolvercotetreegroup.org ) or Doug Parr (douglas.parr@gmail.com) at the end of the 2023.