Here is a winter view of the orchard taken by Marcus Roberts using a drone. It may be possible to map in some detail using the original as it has a resolution accurate to 3cm!
Category: General
Feb 23
Wolvercote Litter Pick 2021
Every March the Wolvercote Tree Group and the Wolvercote Commoners’ Committee join forces to organise a litter pick around the village as our contribution to the OxClean scheme. Understandably this year under the present situation, the formal event is cancelled. As most of us are now in the habit of taking regular strolls it makes …
Feb 10
Local Trees – 2022 Calendar Project
During the recent periods of lockdown and restricted travel, many of us have been getting better acquainted with our local landscapes, and some marvellous photographs have been produced. Drawing on this fund of creativity and talent, the Wolvercote Tree Group invite you to submit your favourite photographs of local trees focusing on those in the …
Jan 22
New Tree Group Website
We are pleased to announce the launch of the website for the Wolvercote Tree Group. The site offers lots of information about the community orchard, our history and achievements as well as news and information for members.
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